AUTORUN.EXE, Version 1.01, 12/23/1996 ------------------------------------- Copyright 1996 Glenn M. Picher, Dirigo Multimedia This text file is probably being shown because AutoRun.EXE has launched it for you. This is the Windows 3.1 version. This file is launched when the CD's software has never been installed on the machine. If AUTORUN.INI had specified an .EXE file instead of this .TXT file, that program would be running now. Typically, you'd launch an installer program the first time the CD is inserted, and launch the installed software on the hard drive whenever the CD is inserted later. To simulate the effect of running an installer that establishes a .INI file to instruct AutoRun.EXE where to find the installed software on the hard drive, copy the INSTDEMO folder onto the top level of your c: drive and copy the AR-INST.INI file within the INSTDEMO folder into your Windows folder. Then run AutoRun.EXE again.